
change, addiction to security
Sanscrit name: Muladhara (root)
Location: Base of spine, at the seat of Kundalini
Symbol: A circle surrounded by four lotus petals, with a square inside it.
Central issue: Survival, stability, acceptance, self-preservation, deep-rootedness, perception, grounding, fear and safety
Color: Red
Essential oils: Patchouli, cedarwood, sandalwood
Crystals and Stones: Garnet, Ruby, Agate, Onyx, Haematite, Red Jasper, Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz, Bloodstone, Red Coral;
Stars and Astrological signs: Planets Mars, Pluto, and Saturn; Signs of Aries, Taurus, Scorpio, and Capricorn;
Sound or mantra: "Lam"
Sense: Smell
Body: The physical body
Orientation to self: Self-preservation
Goals: Stability, grounding, physical health, prosperity, trust
Rights: To be here, to have
Developmental stage: Womb to 12 months
Identity: Physical identity
Level of relationship: Tribal
Demon: Fear
Element: Earth
Hormonal glands: Sexual and adrenal
Organs: Immune system, base of spine, legs, bones and bone marrow, feet, rectum, physical body support
Excessive: Sluggish, lazy, tired, monotony, obesity, overeating, hoarding, materialism, greed, Fear of ficient: Fearful, anxious, restless, lack of discipline, underweight, financial difficulty Chronic disorganization
Balanced: Good health, vitality, well grounded, sense of trust in the world, feeling safe and secure, stability, prosperity, ability to relax
Physical Dysfunctions: Frequent illness, disorders of the bowel, large intestine, bones, teeth, problems with legs, feet , base of spine(chronic lower back pain, sciatica); eating disorders; depression; immune-related disorders; skin problems; lack of energy;
Addictions: Food, gambling, shopping, work
Traumas and Abuses: Birth trauma, abandonment, physical neglect, poor physical bonding with the mother, malnourishment, feeding difficulty, major illnes or surgery, physical abuse, inherited traumas (eg. war, poverty, etc.)
Spiritual challenge: How well we manage our physical world;
HEALING STRATEGY: Physical activity, lots of touch, massage, reconnect with the body, grounding, Hatha yoga, look at earliest childhood relationship to mother, reclaim your right to be here;
It is safe to me to be here.
The earth supports me and meets my needs.
I love my body and trust its wisdom.
I am interested in abundance.
I am here and I am real.
I trust my Higher Self fulfills all my needs. My life is full of prosperity.
Sanscrit name: Svadhisthana (sweetness)
Location: Lower abdomen
Symbol: A circle surrounded by five or six lotus petals.
Central issue: Sexuality, emotions, financial, creativity,
codes of honour and ethics
Color: Orange
Essential Oils: Rosemary, juniper, sandalwood, jasmine, rose, ylang-ylang
Crystals and Stones: Amber, Citrine, Topaz, Moonstone, Fire Agate, Orange Spinel, Fire Opal;
Stars and Astrological Signs: Moon, Planets Venus and Pluto, and the signs of Libra, Cancer, and Scorpio;
Sound or mantra: Vam
Sense: Touch and taste
Body: Ethereal body
Orientation to self: Self-gratification
Goals: Pleasure, healthy sexuality, feeling
Rights: To feel, to want
Developmental stage: 6 to 24 months
Identity: Emotional identity
Level of relationship: One-on-one
Demon: Guilt
Element: Water
Hormonal gland: Pancreas
Organs: Sexual organs, large intestine, lower vertebrae, pelvis, the kidneys, appendix, bladder, prostate, hip area, the lymphatic system, all the body fluids;
Excessive: Sexual, pleasure addiction; excessively sensitive and strong emotions; invasion of others, seductive manipulation; obsessive attachment; emotional dependency.
Deficient: Poor social skills; frigidity, fear of sex, lack of desire, passion, excitement, denial of pleasure; fear of change; rigidity in attitudes
Balanced: Graceful movements; emotional intelligence; ability to experience pleasure; nurture of self and others; ability to change; healthy boundaries
Physical Dysfunctions: Sexual dysfunctions; ob/gyn. problems; Dysfunctions of reproductive organs, spleen, urinary system; loss of appetite for food, sex, life; chronic lower back pain, sciatica;
Addictions: Alcohol, sex, heroin
Traumas and Abuses: Sexual, emotional abuse, neglect, rejection, emotional manipulation, physical abuse, alcoholic families, denial of child's feelings, inherited (untreated incest, sexual issues)
Spiritual challenges: Negative one-to-one control patterns need to be confronted
HEALING STRATEGY: Movement therapy, emotional release, inner childe work, boundary work, assign healthy pleasures, develop sensate intelligence
I accept and acknowledge my sexuality. My physical health is strong and pure.
I deserve pleasure in my life.
I absorb information from my feelings.
Life is pleasurable.
I move easily and effortlessly.
Sanscrit name: Manipura ( lustrous gem )
Location: Solar plexus, below the diaphragm
Symbol: A circle surrounded by ten lotus petals, and inside it a triangle
Central issue: Power, self-esteem, self-image, energy, will, responsibility
Color: Yellow
Essential Oils: Juniper, lavender, bergamot, rosemary
Crystals and Stones: Citrine, amber, tiger's eye, peridot,, yellow tourmaline, yellow topaz
Stars and Astrological Signs: Sun, the planets Mercury, Jupiter, Mars and the signs of Leo, Sagittarius and Virgo
Sound or mantra: Ram
Sense: Sight
Body: The astral body
Orientation to self: Self definition
Goals: Vitality, purpose, strength of will, vitality, spontaneity
Rights: To act and be an individual
Developmental stage: 18 months to 4 years
Identity: Ego identity
Level of relationship: Basic relationship with inner self
Demon: Shame
Element: Fire
Hormonal glands: The pancreas and the adrenal
Organs: The respiratory system and diaphragm, the digestive system, stomach, liver, gallbladder, kidney, pancreas, adrenal glands, spleen, the small intestine, the lower back, the sympathetic nervous system
Excessive: Overly aggressive, dominating, controlling, blaming, arrogance, manipulative, power hungry, stubbornness, hyperactivity, excessively ambitious and competitive
Deficient: Low energy, weak will, poor self-esteem, passive, sluggish, fearful, poor self-discipline, emotionally and physically cold, victim mentality, blaming of others, unreliable, poor digestion
Balanced: Feeling of tranquillity and inner harmony, self-acceptance, respect for the nature and emotions of others, feeling of unity with the rest of humanity, responsible, reliable, confidence, spontaneity, sens of humour, able to meet challenges
Physical Dysfunctions: Arthritis, digestive disorders, ulcers, colon and intestinal problems, anorexia or bulimia, pancreatitis, diabetes, gallstone, allergies, problems with the stomach and liver
Addictions: Amphetamines, cocaine, caffeine, work, anger
Traumas and abuses: Shaming, authoritarianism, physical abuse, fear of punishment, dangerous environment, age inappropriate responsibilities, inherited shame from parents
Spiritual challenges: Maturation of the ego
HEALING STRATEGY: Risk taking, grounding, emotional contact, deep relaxation, stress control, vigorous exercise, sit-ups, psychotherapy (release or contain anger, build ego strength, work on shame issues, strengthen will)
I can do whatever I will to do.
I honour the power within me. I accomplish tasks easily and effortlessly.
In a smooth and healthy way, I release all unresolved emotions. I claim my personal power.
Sanscrit name: Anahatra (unstruck)
Location: Chest, hart, cardiac plexus
Symbol: A circle surrounded by 12 lotus petals, and inside it a six-pointed star
Central issues: Love, unconditional love, self-love, forgiveness, relationships, intimacy, devotion, depression and loneliness
Color: Green and pink
Essential Oils: Sandalwood, rose, cedarwood
Crystals and Stones: Rose quartz, emerald, jade, aventurine, malachite, rhodonite
Stars and Astrological Signs: Planets Venus, Saturn, Sun and the signs Libra, Leo and Sagittarius
Sound or mantra: Yam
Sense: Touch
Body: The feeling body
Orientation to self: Self-acceptance
Goals: Stability, trust, physical health, prosperity, grounding
Rights: To love and be loved
Developmental stage: 4 to 7 years
Identity Social identity
Level of relationship Loving relationships with significant others, with oneself and with all life
Demon: Grief Element: Air
Hormonal glands: The thymus gland
Organs: Hearth and circulatory system, lungs, bronchial tubes, shoulders and arms, diaphragm, thymus gland, the immune system, the skin, the upper back
Excessive: Demanding, jealousy, co-dependency, poor boundaries, overly sacrificing, possessive
Deficient: Antisocial, withdrawn, cold, shy, critical, judgmental, intolerant, loneliness, depression, fear of intimacy and relationships, lack of empathy, narcissism, bitter
Balanced: Compassionate, loving, self-loving, empathetic, peaceful, balanced, good immune system
Physical Dysfunctions: Disorders of the heart, lungs, thymus, breast, arms, asthma, allergy, circulation problems, immune system deficiency, tension between shoulder blades
Addictions: Tobacco (smoking), sugar, love, marijuana
Traumas and Addictions: rejection, abandonment, loss, shaming, constant criticism, abuses to lower chakras, unacknowledged grief, divorce, death, conditional love, loveless environment, sexual and physical abuse, betrayal
Spiritual challenges: To learn compassion, the value of forgiveness, unconditional love
HEALING STRATEGY: Self-discovery, codependency work, forgiveness, inner child work, work with arms, reaching out, taking in, breathing exercise
I freely and easily give and receive love. Totally forgive others and myself for all past errors and judgements.
I am worthy of love.
I am loving to myself and others.
There is an infinite supply of love.
I live in balance with others.
Sanscrit name: Vissudha (purification)
Location: Throat
Symbol: A circle surrounded by 16 lotus petals, and inside it a circle, or a circle containing a triangle
Central issue: Communication, self-expression, self-discipline, speaking one's truth
Color: Blue, light blue, turquoise
Essential Oils: Lavender, patchouli
Crystals and Stones: Lapis lazuli, aquamarine, sodalite, turquoise, sapphire, blue lace agate, blue tourmaline, blue quartz
Stars and Astrological Signs: Planets Venus, Mercury, Uranus and Mars and the signs of Taurus, Gemini and Aquarius
Sound or mantra: Ham
Sense: Hearing
Body: The mental body
Orientation to self: Self-expression
Goals: Clear communication, creativity
Rights: To speak and to hear the truth
Developmental stage: 7 to 12 years
Identity: Creative identity
Level of relationship: Relationship with our personal truths
Demon: Lies
Element: Ether - Akasa
Hormonal glands: The thyroid and parathyroid gland
Organs: Throat, thyroid and parathyroid glands, the neck, vocal cords and organs, mouth, teeth and gums, jaw, ears, muscles
Excessive: Too much talking, talking as a defence, inability to listen, gossiping, interruptions, over-extended, stuttering
Deficient: Fear of speaking, small, weak voice, difficulty putting feelings into words, shyness, tone deaf, poor rhythm
Balanced: Good listener, resonant voice, good sense of timing and rhythm, clear communication, lives creatively
Physical Dysfunctions: Raspy throat, chronic soar throat, mouth ulcers, gum difficulties, scoliosis, laryngitis, swollen glands, thyroid problems, headaches, pain in the neck and shoulders, ear infections and problems
Addictions: Opiates, marijuana
Traumas and Abuses: Lies, secrets, verbal abuse, constant yelling, excessive criticism (blocks creativity), authoritarian parents, alcoholic, chemical dependent family
Spiritual challenges: To recognize that your strength of will is measured not by how well you exert your will over others, but how well you control yourself. Conscious self-control and discipline means living according to the truth that every thought you have is either a potential act of grace or a potential weapon. Right thought leads to right speech leads to right acting.
HEALING STRATEGY: Learn communication skills, letter writing, inner child communication, practice silence (excessive), story telling, singing, chanting, toning, release voice, loosen neck and shoulders
I easily and gracefully express my deepest feelings and emotions.
I hear and speak the truth.
I express myself with clear intent.
Creativity flows in and through me.
My voice is necessary.
Sanscrit name: Ajna (to perceive)
Location: The centre of the forehead, brow
Symbol: A circle surrounded on each side by two large lotus petals ( or a lotus with 96 petals ), and inside it a triangle
Central issue: Intuition, imagination, ability to see one's life clearly, use of the mind/intellect
Color: Indigo
Essential Oils: Geranium, lavender, rosemary, spearmint
Crystals and Stones: Amethyst, azurite, fluorite, lapidolite
Stars and Astrological Signs: The planets Jupiter, Uranus, Mercury, Neptune and signs Sagittarius, Aquarius, Pisces
Sound or mantra: Ham-ksham
Sense: Intuition (the sixth sense)
Body: The high mental body
Orientation to self: Self-reflection
Goals: Psychic perception, imagination, clear seeing, accurate interpretation
Rights: To see
Developmental stage: Adolescence
Identity: Archetypal identity
Level of relationship: Our relationship to knowledge, wisdom and vision
Demon: Illusion
Element: Light
Hormonal glands: The pituitary and the pineal gland
Organs: The brain, nervous system, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, face, the pineal and pituitary gland
Excessive: Hallucination, nightmares, obsessions, delusions, difficulty concentrating, headaches
Deficient: Poor vision and memory, insensitivity, lack of imagination, difficulty visualizing, difficulty seeing the future, can't remember dreams, denial
Balanced: Intuitive, perceptive, imaginative, good memory, able to visualize, able to think symbolically, able to remember dreams
Physical Dysfunctions: Headaches, eye and ear disease, nose and sinus problems, facial nerve problems, nightmares, brain tumour, stroke, neurological disturbances, seizures, full spinal difficulty, learning disabilities
Addictions: Hallucinogens, marijuana
Traumas and Abuses: Frightening environment (war, violence), what you see does not go with what you are told, invalidation of intuition and psychic occurrences
Spiritual challenges: Pride and the ability to make judgements. The spiritual lessons relate to insight and intuition, to seeing beyond the visible.
HEALING STRATEGY: Meditation, visual stimulation, create visual art, coloring and drawing, working with memory, dream work, hypnosis, guided visualization, past life regression therapy
My inner vision is clear and strong. I trust my intuition and inner vision.
I see all things in clarity.
I am open to the wisdom within.
I can manifest my vision.
Sanscrit name: Sahasrara (thousand-fold)
Location: The crown of the skull
Symbol: A lotus with thousand petals
Central issue: Awareness, spiritual search for meaning, issues of karma and grace, grace bank account, spiritual awakening, divine discontent
Color: Purple, white, gold, silver
Essential Oils: Jasmine, frankincense
Crystals and Stones: Diamond, clear quartz, moldavite, selenite, pyrite
Stars and Astrological Signs: The planets Saturn and Neptune, the signs Capricorn and Pisces
Sound or mantra: Om
Body: The soul, the karmic, causal body
Orientation to self: Self-knowledge
Goals: Wisdom, knowledge, spiritual connection, consciousness
Rights: To know
Developmental stage: Throughout life
Identity: Universal identity
Level of relationship: Relationship to our life's true purpose, relationship between the ego and the higher self, relationship to God and spirit
Demon: Attachment
Element: Thought
Organs: The muscular and skeletal system, skin, central nervous system
Excessive: Over-intellectualization, spiritual addiction, confusion, dissociation from body
Deficient: Spiritual cynicism, learning difficulties, rigid belief systems, apathy, materialism, greed, domination of others
Balanced: Sense of spiritual connection, open-minded, wisdom and mastery, broad understanding, intelligent, thoughtful, aware, ability to perceive, analyse and assimilate information
Physical Dysfunctions: Energetic disorders, mystical depression, coma, migraines, brain tumours, amnesia, chronic exhaustion not linked to physical disorder, sensitivity to light, sound and other environmental factors
Addictions: Religion, spiritual practices
Traumas and Addictions: Spiritual abuse, forced religiosity, blind obedience, misinformation, lies, withheld information, invalidation of one's beliefs
Spiritual challenges: Hope and faith, spiritual conscience. Spiritual quests and questions of your life: For what purpose was I born? What is truth? What is the deeper meaning of life? Can I find that? Failure to hear and respond to these questions can lead to anxiety and depression.
HEALING STRATEGY: Reestablish physical, emotional, spirit connection, spiritual discipline, meditation, examine belief systems, goal setting
I accept and acknowledge my spirituality.
Divinity resides within.
I am open to new ideas.
Information I need comes to me.
I am guided by higher power.
I am guided by inner wisdom.
The world is my teacher.
Core workout. It’s been a long week and a half. I have been running a lot and had a number of additional training sessions outside my norm. So I could feel it wearing on me a bit. This is where staying focused and pushing through it becomes important.