Tantric exercises

The two lovers can integrate some simple tantric exercises    successfully in  their couple relationship in order to deepen  their couple relationship, so  that for them it will be a true  source of happiness, but also a “trampoline”  that will propel  them towards exceptional spiritual experiences. The  purpose of these exercises is mutual auric harmonization,  and practicing  awareness – which is so necessary in tantric   practices. These exercises  will help you know each other    and know yourself, to develop empathy,  intuition, to awaken  your subtle perceptions, but also to explore the  meditative  dimension of your lovemaking experiences.                                
 Although simple, these exercises will have miraculous effects for those couples that show boldness and perseverance and who make them consistently, with attention and transfiguration. These couples especially will understand through direct practical experience that the goal in Tantra is the perfection of the being on all levels and discover the mysterious spark from God the Father, which is the Immortal Supreme Self, ATMAN in the inner expanded universe.

General rules: Attention, awareness and attitude of transfiguration are essential
The yogic tradition says that the most favourable moment for practicing tantric exercises is early in the morning, but if your program does not allow it, it is good to know that these exercises can be successfully practiced in any other calm moment of the day. Therefore, choose a time when neither lover is in a hurry and a place in which the possibilities for being disturbed are minimized (at home it is even recommended to unplug the phone). Also, when practicing more complex exercises, do not eat 2 hours before or eat something very light and wait for one hour before starting.
Always begin by establishing a state of harmony, interiorizing and aspiration towards everything that is uplifting and divine. Sit down comfortably, with the spine straight, close the eyes and hold the hands in a prayer position, in the central chest area, near the heart. The bases of the thumbs are gently but firmly pressing the chest. This posture calms down the mind, by momentarily suspending certain energy flows that run through the body and because of the pressure on the subtle flow of the mind (one of the Nadis that influence directly the mental state), which passes through the central chest area. Together with your beloved consecrate all the fruits of the exercises to be performed to God the Father, to Shiva or to a Great Cosmic Power.
Focus inside, going deep within, aiming to perceive the reflection of our Divine Self in our being, which is for us a true inner teacher, which we now ask to guide us. Aim to enter in resonance with this source of spiritual intuitions. (If we can feel our soul close enough to our spiritual guide, then we will ask him to subtly guide us spiritually, to inspire and protect us). We maintain this attitude for 2-3 minutes, until we feel tuned in to this energetic source.
Then, become aware of the consciousness over the entire being. Imagine we are penetrated and surrounded by a subtle bio-energetic field, and then aim to feel how the energy of the loved being interflows with ours through luminous flows within our being. Deepening the state, feel how the two fields fully harmonize each other, so that the flows of subtle energy run freely from one to another. We may start only after becoming clearly aware of all these steps.
Finally, it is indicated to repeat the procedure presented above, but backwards. Close the eyes and then focus to re-absorb the energies, allowing the appearance of a very thin, but firm “veil” rising between us and our beloved. This distance must be seen as being full of love, or better said as a refinement of the subtle connection between us, which now tends to be felt not only at the bio-energetic level but especially at the psychic, mental and spiritual level, and not like a heavy metal barrier. At the most profound level, in reality we are ONE, but at other levels individuality has a decisive importance, which must be respected; thus, the process of opening and closing the energy fields is essential.
At the end of the long term meditative exercises, it is recommended to raise the hands upwards and to breathe a few times profoundly. Only after finishing this set of complete breathing can we come out of the meditation posture we had been in so far. If the meditation lasted for a longer period of time, we can massage each other feet, full of love. (In this massage, we can even put as much pressure on the legs as possible, thus stimulating blood circulation and energy). Then we can also massage each other’s back. 

More info :  www.darlingsite.info

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